You can categorize your company's assets in Trackinno. By using categories, you can view a list of that category's assets with one click.
You can determine the categories according to your company's needs. You can add, remove and edit categories in the Categories page, which you can access from the menu on the upper right corner.
Hierarchy of categories
Categories have a hierarchical tree structure, i.e. a category can have parent and child categories.
Adding a new category
Click New category button on the upper right corner of the Categories page.
Give the category a Name and select a Parent category from the list if the category has one. You can also leave the parent category field blank.
Check the Show in sidebar checkbox, if you want the category to show in the sidebar, when you move your cursor on top of Assets button on the side menu (see the gif in the beginning of this article).
Select Assets can be ordered, if the category's assets can be added to orders.
Finish by clicking Create.